Ilija Ognjanovic was born on 30th April (12th May) 1845 in Novi Sad. He comes from very old farming family. In Sremska Kamenica graduated from Elementary school, and afterwards goes to german Border school in Petrovaradin. In 1866/67. he went to Faculty of medicine in Budapest and graduated in 1872 in Vienna, and specilize surgery in 1873. The same year he went back to Novi Sad and started to work; at the same time he was a personal doctor of Marija Trandafil. 1888 he was a supervisor of Hospital`s delivery sector. Also he was a poet and editor of magazine "Zolja" in age of 16, and year after "Đački venac". He wrote medical–instructed columns. All of known illnesses at the time he translated and described on Serbian, Hungarian and German. Because of his work he was awarded with many honours. He was member of Literature department of matica srpska, Backa Eparchy Bureau, Serbian Scholar Men Society (1883), honorable member of Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts. His life wasn`t easy. In early years of his life he became an orphan, dependent from generosity of whealty people and institutions, and often of his labour. He suffered from heart weakness and last three years from diabetes. He went to Austrian hospital for treatment (Dobelbad, 1900) and instead of getting better the illness grew stronger. He decides to go back to Novi Sad. A day after, he went to sanatorium in Budim where he died. It was on 8th (21st) August, in his 55th year of life. The body was transported to Novi Sad and buried on Almas cemetery, on 10th (23rd) August 1900.