Christianity - Roman Chatolic religion

The Catholic Church calls itself the Church for which Jesus Christ has died and was built by the Apostles, above which the Pope has jurisdiction.

It includes all believers who are subject to the supreme teacher and pastoral authority of the Pope, and largely accept the influence of the church on religion and morals. However, each country has its own organization and liturgical heritage.

The Church is referred to as by those who believed in the testimony of the Apostles and accepted Jesus Christ as their master, therefore being the family of God, but above all a divine work.

The Catholic Church is divided on the diocese and the parishes of the diocese. The head of the diocese is the bishop, and by the hierarchy, below him are priests and deacons. All the bishops of the world constitute the Episcopal collegium, with the Pope at the helm. Church Service is threefold and includes teaching, sanctifying and governing.

In the 16th century a powerful religious-political movement of the Reformation occurs  in Western Christianity, whose leader was Martin Luther. Thus Western Christendom actually divided into two main streams: Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. The split in Western Christianity culminated in many religious wars. The conflict stemmed from not accepting the Pope as mediator between God and the believers and the rejection of the cult of saints, icons and relics.